You are probably wondering what the hell this is – it’s not a cake, it’s actually a seed loaf the SWMBO makes regularly as we try not to eat much bread. It’s mainly sunflower seeds, part blitzed into a powder, some bits left a bit bigger. I’ll post the recipe at some point.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago she made one and it turned green very quickly so we binned it. Then the next one did again so we googled – and found that switching from baking powder to a combination of cream of tartar & bicarbonate of soda has led to a reaction with the chlorophyll in the sunflower seeds, turning it green. It’s actually perfectly safe to eat like this!
These seeds loaves are really nice, a good alternative to bread if you want to minimise wheat or carbs – maybe a bit loose for sandwiches and it doesn’t toast so well, but it’s great to have with cheese.
This is how it normally looks!